7 Easy Winter House Plants

Snake Plant

Love my snake plant. It looks great, grows tall, and is practically unbreakable. Forgotten to water it or going away for weeks?


Spider Plant

Due to its ease and durability, my spider plant may be my favorite. Keep it alive long enough to produce spider plant pups that can be cut, planted, and given to a friend.



My biggest plant is my philodendron. Some trail and others, like monsteras, grow as big as you allow them. They tolerate shade and indirect light and require little care.


ZZ Plant

The arum fern, or ZZ Plant, is stunning, easy to maintain for, and deep green. It flourishes in cold, moist, warm, dry, sunny, or shaded conditions.


Jade Plant

As fast as I repot it, my jade plant grows. It likes moderate to low light and can get sunburned if exposed to too much sun too quickly, making it ideal for winter collections.


Chinese Evergreen

Chinese evergreens, one of the nicer plants on this list, come in many colors, forms, and sizes. It survives cold and dry conditions well for a tropical plant.


Fiddle Leaf Fig

With minimal care, fiddle leaf figs grow like philodendrons. Some Costcos stock it due to its popularity! It may clean the air and absorb household odors.



Aloe is ideal for arid homes and forgetful plant waterers. Its thick leaves store water for lengthy periods between waterings.
