Is It Ok To Take Turmeric Milk Before Bed?

Turmeric can lower your anxiety levels, so slipping this super spice into your bedtime rituals can help you unwind and ease any bad moods. On top of all the excellent sleep turmeric could bring you, it’s also a natural inflammatory.

What Is Turmeric Milk?

Turmeric milk, also say as “golden milk” or “turmeric latte,” is a traditional beverage that combines milk with the spice turmeric. It has been consumed for centuries in various cultures for its potential health benefits and soothing properties. The key ingredients in turmeric milk are milk and turmeric, and it is often sweetened and flavored with additional ingredients like honey, cinnamon, and black pepper.

Is It Ok To Take Turmeric Milk Before Bed?

Turmeric Milk, many time known as ‘Haldi ka Doodh,’ is one of the best way passed on to us by our ancestors. It is also called ‘Golden Milk’ because of to the color turmeric imparts to milk when mixed in it. Here are the excellent benefits of turmeric milk before bed:

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Turmeric contains a bioactive compound called curcumin, renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming turmeric milk regularly may help reduce inflammation, making it particularly beneficial for people with arthritis or joint pain.

Enhanced Digestion

Turmeric has been traditionally used to help digestion. It can stimulate bile production, improve the gallbladder’s function, and alleviate symptoms of indigestion. Turmeric milk can soothe the digestive system, making it easier for your body to process food.

Improved Immune Function

Curcumin in turmeric has shown immune-boosting properties. Regular consumption of turmeric milk may help strengthen your immune system, making you less susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Better Sleep

Turmeric milk is often consumed before bedtime due to its relaxing properties. It can give us a sense of calm and relaxation, potentially improving sleep quality. Additionally, turmeric may alleviate symptoms of sleep disorders, such as insomnia.

Antioxidant Benefits

Curcumin is a healthy antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants aid protect cells from damage and may contribute to overall health and longevity.

Skin Health

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of this milk may benefit the skin. Some people use turmeric milk topically and internally to promote clear and healthy skin.

Potential Pain Relief

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties may relieve various pain types, including headaches and menstrual cramps. While more research is needed, some individuals report a reduction in pain after incorporating turmeric milk into their diet.

Antimicrobial Properties

Turmeric has natural antimicrobial properties that may help combat bacteria and infections. Consuming turmeric milk when feeling under the weather could be a soothing and potentially beneficial practice.

Heart Health

Some studies suggest that regular consumption of turmeric may support heart health by improving cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of curcumin may play a role in these benefits.

Weight Management

Turmeric milk may aid in weight management by supporting digestion and metabolism. However, it is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise.

It’s important to note that while turmeric milk offers various potential benefits, individual responses may vary. Additionally, the bioavailability of curcumin in turmeric is relatively low, so consuming it with black pepper, which contains piperine, can enhance its absorption.

How To Make Turmeric Milk?

Making turmeric milk, known as “golden milk” or “turmeric latte,” is a simple and soothing process. Turmeric milk combines turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties with milk’s creamy comfort. Here’s a basic recipe for making turmeric milk:


  • Milk: 1 glass of milk (you can choose any milk which you love)
  • Turmeric: 1/2 half teaspoon of turmeric
  • Sugar: if you love sweeter milk, you can use or you can use honey or skip them if you don’t like
  • Black Pepper: If you love to use it, you can skip it.


  • 1. Heat a pan and bowl your milk.
  • 2. Add turmeric and black pepper and warm for some time.
  • 3. Add sugar according to your taste.
  • 4. Your Turmeric milk is ready. Now serve it you can also add some kaser on it.

Enjoy your homemade turmeric milk as a soothing and nutritious beverage. Many people find it incredibly comforting before bedtime due to its potential relaxation and sleep-enhancing properties.

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