6 Causes Why Your Snow Blower Won't Start And Expert Solutions

Oil Has Run Out

Snow blowers often won't start for this reason. Ronit says, 'Check the dipstick to make sure you have appropriate oil.


Spark Plug Issue

Before clearing your front yard landscape, make sure your snow blower spark plug is correctly plugged in.


Use New Fuel

A year of old gas can clog spark plugs. ‘The best method to remedy this problem, especially if you're working on the carburetor, is to drain the gasoline from there,' explains Ice Dam Guys president Joe Palumbo.


Badly Set Switches

There are several ways to prevent your snow blower from starting on your driveway when you're not ready. Snow blowers won't start if their switches aren't placed properly.


You flooded the engine

Gas-powered lawn mowers that overflow indicate overfueling. This can cause your snow blower to not start and smell like gasoline.


Clogged Carburetor

When stored in the backyard for too long, the gasoline clogs the carburetor. Keeping lawnmowers, trimmers, and snow blowers empty at the end of the season is the best method to avoid this.


You flooded the engine

Unfortunately, each failure fuels the system. Waiting and adjusting your choke when you start it again is preferable. After starting it, let it burn off surplus gas, he explains.
